ValvtechnologiesV1-1 Metal Seated Ball Valve
Applied Reliability
Longer Service Life means reliable, maintenance-free operation and a four-year zero-leakage guarantee: This is just the start of what you get with ValvTechnologies’ seat supported severe service metal seated ball valves. The V Series’ proven seat design provides improved performance, far beyond the capability of linear operated valves which feature obstructed and torturous flow paths. V1-1’s are engineered to be leak free, maximize flow and reduce the overall cost of ownership. Our design and construction also deliver the extra safety margin so crucial to maintaining productivity.
Key Benefits
- Four year, zero-leakage warranty in power applications
- Extended service life
- Available sizes ¼” to 4”, ASME 900 - 4500
- Proven sealing under every operating condition up to 1400°F (760°C)
- Seat leak paths eliminated with integral metal downstream seat